As a community service, the Eastern Shore of Virginia Broadband Authority planned, built, and paid for a 100 ft. Open Access Telecommunications Tower in Bloxom, VA to help spur economic development and 21st century connectivity.
Bloxom, Va. (March 21st, 2017) – The Bloxom Tower, which opened in November of 2016, now provides broadband services to Bloxom, VA, a previously underserved area of the Eastern Shore of Virginia.
Since the Bloxom Tower’s service launch late last fall, the Eastern Shore of Virginia Broadband Authority (ESVBA) has worked tirelessly with a variety of last mile service providers to bring expanded wireless broadband Internet to the rural town of ~380 people.
“The new Bloxom Tower location has helped us reach new customers and provide services that increase the viability and economic prospects of this community,” said Matt Ertle, General Manager of Chesapeake Bay Communications, one of the first broadband service providers to access the new Bloxom Tower service site.
The ESVBA, a Wireless Broadband Authority, was founded in 2008 by the joint contributions of Northampton and Accomack Counties. After paying these two local government entities back in full between 2013 and 2015, the ESVBA has leveraged all capital funds to reinvest in the network to support further economic development and community connectivity.
The ESVBA is committed to continuously upgrading infrastructure, improving service options, and developing long term cost reduction strategies while maintaining world-class service. As a tangible demonstration of this commitment, the new Bloxom Tower has provided support for multiple Wireless Internet Service Providers (WISPs) and cellular providers, giving local residents and business owners a freedom of choice that they did not previously enjoy.
Under the Broadband Initiative Program, Wireless Internet Service Providers can connect to the tower for 12 months free as they work to establish broadband services to local customers.
“By building infrastructure like the Bloxom Tower we are investing in the economic viability and future sustainability of the Eastern Shore Community as a whole,” Nicholas Pascaretti, Executive Director of the ESVBA said. “Broadband is crucial to economic development, and the investment is already showing positive impact.”
In addition to this economic development push to support local businesses, the ESVBA has installed a free wireless hotspot at the Bloxom Tower for all citizens and visitors to enjoy.
Chris Kreisl, of the Bloxom Town Council explained the impact of ESVBA’s latest project this way:
“We knew how important it was for us to have this kind of infrastructure,” he says, “without it, we were being left behind as the information economy continued to push citizens around the globe online. Now, Bloxom businesses have the opportunity to compete on equal footing.”
The new Bloxom Tower is located at 26129 Shore Main Drive, Bloxom, VA 23308.
For more information on the Eastern Shore of VA Municipal Broadband Authority or the Bloxom Tower project please visit
About Eastern Shore of Virginia Broadband Authority
The Eastern Shore of Virginia Broadband Authority (ESVBA) is a public not for profit company formed in 2008 by the Counties of Northampton and Accomack Virginia, to provide and proliferate broadband services on the Eastern Shore of Virginia. The ESVBA runs an “Open Access” network and currently serves Education, Government, Healthcare, Commercial and Wholesale customers across the region.
Media Contact:
Jennifer Eddy
Eddy Communications Corporation
540-404-8150 (w)
540-878-9681 (c)
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